Arrival of the Light Beings
How to Prepare for the Shift and Contact with Extraterrestrials Available at:
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Prologue“What do I call you?” she asked. “Visitors? Multidimensional beings?” She had heard that they didn’t like to be called aliens—she supposed that made sense, as they probably saw humans as alien—and extraterrestrial seemed sterile and cumbersome, as though a scientist had put a noncommittal label on something he didn’t fully understand.
“We are not visitors,” he responded quietly. “We are part of the fabric of your culture.” She paused and then realized that was probably true. They had been there as long as the planet. “You may call us friends.” There was another pause as she thought about his words. She didn’t quite understand their relationship but thought they definitely had become friends—in an extraterrestrial kind of way. It took quite a while, maybe several years, for her to believe she was actually in contact with someone from another dimension. Or maybe it was another planet. She wasn’t sure. It took even longer for her to have the courage to tell others. She hoped it would be different this time, because it hadn’t gone well before. There had been whispering and concern. Had she gotten into drugs? Maybe she was looking for attention, or possibly these were the first signs of mental illness. In the beginning, she’d wondered if they were right. Was she perhaps going crazy? Now she was asked to publicly talk about everything. “Tell your story,” he said. “They must understand that we are here to help.” She wondered if she had a choice. After all, humans were supposed to have free will, weren’t they? Didn’t he realize how much she was dreading this? He probably did, since he already had asked her twice, “What is your perceived blockage?” She wasn’t sure if she was being gently reassured or seriously reprimanded. She couldn’t figure out how he even knew she hadn’t started the book. But then she realized he seemed to know pretty much everything, including everything that had happened to her throughout her entire life. He probably also knows what is coming for all of us, she thought. She was afraid it would be worse for her this time, especially since even more people would know, and she had much more to tell. Why did she feel such urgency? Did she realize it on her own or hear it in the messages to her? She wasn’t sure. She would be ridiculed by people who didn’t even know her. She could handle that, she supposed. But what happens if they hate me or worse? What happens if they’re angered by what I have to say? There were things that some people didn’t want to hear, and there were people who didn’t want anyone to know. But she also knew there would be many people who wanted—and needed—to hear the message. This was important to him—to all of them. Actually, his exact words had been critically important. It must have been pretty serious for them to come all this way just to help. She wasn’t sure why it was so important or what role she played in this massive cosmic chess game, but she had always listened to her vibes. Even the tiny part she knew about was overwhelming. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know more. He also had said more than once, “Time is limited.” She suspected that was the reason for the sense of urgency. She wasn’t sure how to communicate that urgency, when she wasn’t really sure what was coming. She also wasn’t sure how to even begin or which incidents she should share. What about all the scary times? Should she even mention the terrifying experiences in the dead of night, the unexplained marks on her body, or the things she’d seen right in front of her that weren’t supposed to exist? She had spent a lifetime trying to forget. Now having to remember just to tell others made her sick. “Tell everything. Those experiences are part of your story.” For some reason, her story was part of his story and the greater story. Maybe that had been part of the plan all along. She had no doubt that her experiences had really happened, so all she had to do was tell others how she had gotten from there to here. This is her story. Prologue from Arrival of the Light Beings by Linda Haley |